Top North and South Carolina Web Sites List

Vote for The Best Web Sites in the Carolinas!

Welcome visitors from  North Carolina web sites. Join the Top North and South Carolina Web Sites List. Welcome visitors from  South Carolina web sites.

Do you have a personal, non-profit or business web site about people, places, things or services in North or South Carolina? Add your site to Top North and South Carolina Web Sites List NOW! Know a kid-safe web site in the Carolinas that should be here? Please invite them for us!

Help spread the word about the Top North and South Carolina Web Sites List. It's easy to join, fun to participate and a smart way to get more targeted web site traffic in NC and SC FREE! March 2, 2013 marked 10 Straight Years Google ranked us #1 for Carolina sites since Day 1! (Proof!)

Featured Member

Riley's Army - Greenville North Carolina
Featured Top Carolina Web Sites List member
Sometimes you just need an Army! The mission of Riley's Army is to provide support to children with cancer and their families in Eastern North Carolina. Help us to help others not as fortunate as us!

Top North + South Carolina Sites FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions (click for Answers)

Q: What is the Top North and South Carolina Web Sites List?

A: The Top North and South Carolina Web Sites List is a list of top web sites in North Carolina or South Carolina ranked best by votes of web site visitors. Since voting can also be viewed by State, the list also ranks top web sites in North Carolina, South Carolina AND overall.

Q: How is the ranking order of the Top North and South Carolina Web Sites List determined?

A: The ranking order is determined by the number of votes (button clicks) made by visitors FROM member web sites TO the list. Only ONE vote (click) per user, per site, per day is counted. Any extra clicks for the same site by the same user within a 24 hour period are discarded.

Q: What measures, if any, are taken to prevent cheating?

A: The system includes an advanced anti-cheat protection routine which is designed to prevent fraud. There are some additional anti-cheat measures we could add, such as a gateway page asking users if they really want to cast a vote or not, but we hope they will NOT be needed.

Q: How would you define cheating for this list??

A: Votes can only be made by HUMANS! Member web sites are not allowed to do anything to ARTIFICIALLY create votes in ANY way! If any member site is caught cheating, and there are many ways it can be detected, the offending web site can be removed off the list without notice.

Q: I have a web site for my business. How can this list benefit me?

A: Participating web sites can display a 468x60 banner ad (in GIF or JPG format up to 15Kb in file size) and a description of their site using up to 255 characters. This is excellent exposure to people who have probably never heard of your company. You may even get a new customer! Joining us can also increase your web site's search engine rankings because you will get several high-quality incoming links from the list.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of pages or places on my site where I can put a voting button?

A: No! We leave this up to you. If you have a left-hand column or footer area on your web site where you can add the voting code once and have it show on every page, that works best. But, you can add the voting link to as many or as few pages as you want. There are some extra buttons you can also use too! We only require 1 voting link.

Q: I don't have a standard-size (468x60) banner ad for my site. How can I get one?

A: Carolina Banner Exchange has a page with links to numerous places you can make a banner ad for FREE!

Q: How do I get my banner ad rotating on the Carolina Banner Exchange at bottom of the page?

A: Visit the Carolina Banner Exchange web site and sign up your site to earn 500 FREE banner ad impressions! You can target either NC, SC or both states. The Carolina Banner Exchange FAQ page there will answer most of your questions. There is no charge for this service.

Q: I lost my account's Username and Password. What can I do?

A: First locate where your site is on the list in the rankings, either by state or overall. From there, click on the Animated Stats button to go to your site's Stats page. You should see your Username there (write it down if needed). Then, to reset your Password, click on User Control Panel. From there, click on "Forgot your password?" and put in your site's Username. BINGO! You're all set! If for some reason you are not able to retrieve your Username or Password on your own, just send an email to webmaster[at] and you will get fixed up.

Q: Do you accept paid advertising on this site?

A: No, we are not accepting paid advertising on the list yet. You can, however, advertise on these pages through the Carolina Banner Exchange. You can join for FREE or buy ads at only 1 penny per impression.

Q: This just sounds almost TOO good to be true! What's the catch?

A: It really is a great opportunity to get some free exposure for your web site. There really isn't ANY catch! It has been a fun web site to run.

Q: I still don't get it. How are you making any money off of this?

A: We have a few ads on the site, but they never cover all of the expenses. Hopefully, if it keeps growing as fast as it is now, it might one day.

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Top Carolina Web Sites List History | Top Carolina Web Sites List FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Carolina 1-25 | Carolina 26-50 | Carolina 51-75 | Carolina 76-100 | Carolina 101-125 | Carolina 126-150

The Top 10 Ranked Carolina Web Sites can display description with a banner.
Carolina Web Sites ranked from 11-25 can display description, but no banner.
Carolina Web Sites ranked 26+ on extra pages with description, but no banner.
Featured Carolina Web Site (chosen at random) has description with a banner.

Join Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email. (CAUCE) Join us on the Top North and South Carolina Web Sites List. NO Adult Sites allowed to join the Top Carolina Web Sites List!

Sponsored by Carolina Web Marketing and Promotion.
Top Carolina Web Sites List Sponsor: Carolina Web Marketing and Promotion

Search Google OR Top Carolina Websites List.

Google Page Rank 5 Verified
Google PR 5/10

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99/100 Website Grade for Top Carolina Websites List!
99/100 Score First achieved on
June 28, 2011 (Carolina Day!)
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Top 50 Award Winning Websites List! | NO Spam mail will be sent by this website EVER! | Top Carolina Web Sites List is rated safe for kids of all ages. | This website was ICCS Certified as Child Safe. | Plug City = Top Plugboard | Time Banners Free Banner Promotion | Multi-Banners Free Button Ad Promotion!

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Votes Reset on Day 1 of Each Month, so ALL Carolina Sites have chances at #1!

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